Welcome to Student Disability Services at PCCUA!
The PCCUA campus community maintains their commitment to protect the civil rights of students with disabilities through the creation of a welcoming and inclusive environment and practices to meet the needs of all students, particularly those students who choose to self-disclose their disabilities. The role of this office is to advance the educational goals of our students by eliminating curricular or programmatic barriers that may exist in the classroom setting and to provide support for students’ disability-related need for accommodation.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to a Disability Coordinator if you have any questions about our policies, or need more information on how to proceed. Students with disclosed disabilities who work with a Disability Coordinator to obtain reasonable accommodations are more likely to experience success in a positive learning environment.
The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, included Section 504, forbade discrimination against persons with disabilities by programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance, which included virtually every institution of higher education, except the U.S. military academies and a few small religious schools.
A postsecondary institution must make reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities so that they can participate in programs and activities.
Colleges must make "academic accommodations" for students with disabilities so that they can participate in the academic and extra curriculum at the institution. Academic accommodations include extended time for test taking or completion of course work, tape recording of classes, substitution of specific courses to meet degree requirements, modification of test taking, and other adjustments.
Colleges do not have to provide accommodations that would "fundamentally alter" the educational program or academic requirements essential to a program of study or necessary to fulfill licensing requirements.
The rights of students with disabilities are protected under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1990 (IDEA), and the Disabilities Education Act of 1997, Public Law 105017.
The faculty is required to comply with federal and state laws requiring reasonable services to students with disabilities. Therefore, the faculty will:
- Comply with reasonable accommodations
- Identify additional accommodations which may facilitate student learning
- Inform the student's advisor of high-risk student behaviors
- Maintain confidentiality of the student’s disability